I’m creating a graph that will find all the Ceiling Heights in the project and make Filters for each one. This will then be applied to Views to color-code the Ceilings by height
I’m having troubles with the ViewFilter.CreateFilter and I can’t find any documentation for it
I tried to pass in Lists (the green box) and got the error
Couldn’t find a version of CreateFilter that takes arguments of type (__array,__array,__array)
Then I tried it with just the first item in each list (blue box) and got
Couldn’t find a version of CreateFilter that takes arguments of type (string,Revit.Elements.Element,Revit.Filter.FilterRule)
What is the ViewFilter.CreateFilter looking for?
(BTW, when you get that error, it would be nice if Dynamo would tell you WHICH input is wrong)Ceiling Heights.dyn (16.4 KB)