Filtering parameters in revit

Hi all,
is there a way to filter all parameters in revit based on type (Lenght or Text …etc) and export to excel ?


Could you describe more which categories elements your looking to filter type parameters. Read this how to ask help on forum How to get help on the Dynamo forums

Any element ( Door, Window, Wall, Generic Models, Light Fixtures, Furniture And So on ) when created in revit has IDENTITY DATA associated with it For eg if u make a schedule for Windows .a project has a default inbuilt revit families linked to it and some custom made by u …which if u want to filter so in SCHDULES PROPERTIES add the FIELD COMENT or TYPE or MARK VALUE to it after doing so in filter by whatever feed u have given ( in my case i have given comment - ur name ) and then create the schedule

No this is not what i am looking for

when you create a new parameter in revit , you enter parameter name ,dicipline and type of parameter…etc

so how can i filter the parameters that are exist in revit which is a text parameter for example?

in other word ,for example i need to know all parameters that are text parameter in revit file


Firstly have a look at the revit api sdk document because i think you will have to look at python to do what you want.

What you want to do is get the parameter element because all parameters are actually a element. Once at this stage you want to get the definition which will then have a Name, parametergroup, parametertype and unittype. These information should give you what you require.

Hey there,

Maybe you can try this :

First you select a category, then get all element of this category.

You take the first one and use element parameters.

Then using Parameter.ParameterType, you get the type of parameter. From here you just have to use these values to filter.

See below:

Just repeat this for every category you need.

I tried your nodes, but for (search list for string contain ) i did not find it in dynamo

from where you get it ?


You need the Lunbox package.

Otherwise a standard string.contains node with filter.byBoolean mask will do the same thing.

Probably better if other people than you will use this graph (they may not have the LunchBox package).