Parameter.AddSharedParameter (Orchid) - all parameters are placed in one category


Need some help here, please. I’m pulling data from en Excel file: instance and type parameters that I’m trying to introduce into a family.
I’ve got some problems with the Orchid node called “Parameter.AddSharedParameter”. The node turns yellow, displaying “Invalid parameter type”. And the parameters are all injected but only into one category, “Identification data” (see 2nd capture) instead of the three categories specified. Any idea? Thank you!


You screenshot of your graph doesn’t allow us to see the header of nodes which make it pretty difficult.

However, regarding the error you get. I’ll recommand that you take a look at the input you’re giving the Parameter Type. I can’t see from your screenshot what’s the direct problem but take a look at it and see if any of the Types don’t match the items from the list here:


Thank you for your reply. Sorry for the low level of detail of my image. I’ve reloaded one with the headers visible. Meanwhile, I did two changes that finally worked: first,the capitalization of the parameters’ type by having only the first letter in capital (although URL remained the same); second, I changed the Orchid node’s lacing from Auto to Longest.


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I hope my solution helped you :slight_smile:


Indirectly, yes. In fact, accessing the list on (with the link sent by you) didn’t gave me a direct solution but gave me instead the occasion to think more on the formal part of the data I was providing for the Parameter Type input.
Regarding the lacing problem, I figured out that the final result (as displayed by the Watch node, at the end) was a list grouping 35 parameter lists, instead of being one single parameter list, so I thought it was the lacing type that should’ve been different.

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