Parallel vectors in dynamo - isolating them

This aspect is actually utilized to avoid additional steps. Seems to work alright.

vectors2.dyn (16.3 KB)


An example with Cross Product

import sys
import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *

def uniqueVectors(lstVect, tolerance = 0.001):
    if len(lstVect) > 0:
        vectA =lstVect.pop(0)
        otherV = []
        for v in lstVect:
            if abs(v.Cross(vectA).Z) > tolerance:
        return [vectA] + uniqueVectors(otherV)
        return []
OUT = uniqueVectors(IN[0])


I fed in my original lines and it works thanks! Can you explain what line 3 (red arrow) means please. I get it’s point at param but I don’t understand the range then -1 then the 0.1:

This only gives me an output of 2 vectors.

Could you give a brief explanation of your script pls?
I get the loops but I don’t understand how you decide what the tolerance is etc.


4 nodes instead of 9… and no yellow ones. :slight_smile:

ok it’s fixed (in my preview post)

when 2 vectors are parallel to the Z component of the product Cross is equal to 0


What about the tolerance? What’s that?

Yay! Thanks btw. :slight_smile:

it is the tolerance for 2 vectors almost parallel (or not), you can replace by this
if abs(v.Cross(vectA).Z) != 0: for check 2 vectors are strictly no parallel

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Ah, I suppose that with Revit tolerance is a good idea?

Any idea where the sweet spot is?

it will depend on your context (need more or less precision)

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Line 3 is an extension of Line 2. The -1 and 0.1 are parameters for Flatten and Prune respectively.

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when the dot product of two vectors is -1 or 1 the vectors should be parallel - this is likely faster than the cross product … but I have not tested it.

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