I’m finally ready to kill off Revit 2016 (yay!) which means I can also finally upgrade our Dynamo graphs to 1.3.3
My question is: Is there a simple way to figures out which version of the Packages I use is the most recent for 1.3.3
I’ll also be upgrading to 2.0, but I’m planning on sticking with 1.3.3 for Revit 2018 and only going to 2.0 for Revit 2019. My main reason being that I’ve already got 1.3.x installed and configured for everyone (90 users) in Revit 2018. Our Packages are all on a network share, so I can just replace those files with little effort.
But first I need to figure out which package version I need. The Package manager describes the last version, but not earlier ones, so I can 't tell which version works with 1.3.3
Not easily - it can be noted sometimes in the jsn file that comes with the package.
FWIW, I would move onto 2.0 now. Gonna have to do it eventually anyway, so a skip saves you time in the long run.
Packages which run in 1.x will not necessarily be 2.x compatible which can cause crashes. Graphs built for 2.x cannot be opened in 1.x and 1.x files have to be upgraded to 2.x when they are opened by 2.x.all of that is to say you now need to keep two libraries when you do a partial upgrade.
2.x does nearly everything that 1.x does with the only major outstanding capabilities being outside of Dynamo for Revit, so you more or less have feature parity already.
To leverage Refinery’s generative design capabilities, you’re going to need to be in a 2.x environment. This may not interest you now, but as stuff is developed and shared by other parts of the community, I think most firms and trades will want to take advantage of the tool.