Revit 2024 with Dynamo Build 2.17 does not appear to have a functioning previous version option for package installs. This is a critical roadblock as many current packages are now incompatible with 2024 Revit/dynamo and being unable to select a specific previous package version means the package is unobtainable.
As a silly workaround Im having to install the desired package using the manager in R22, then manually copy the package to corresponding R24 Dynamo version.
You need to click on View Details
to see all the additional information on the package, including all available versions.
That would make sense if it worked. Clicking the view details does nothing. My cursor acts like its clickable. Perhaps it could be some sort of weird security limitation supressing the dialog?
Probably a conflict with another install. Remove all your Revit add-ins and custom Dynamo packages, reboot, and try again.
That would make sense. I think its actually easier to keep my other customization intact and just workaround via 22 for the time being. Last time Autodesk support attempted to disable and reinstall it bricked. Thanks for the insight.
You could also install via Sandbox and just set your default package location to the 2.17 folder. That would at least be faster than opening Revit every time.
That sounds even better. I did get it to install with sandbox without issue.