I am looking for a way to override all the grids in every view to show as fulltone. I am not really sure where to start. I started googling and came across some packages (Genius Loci and archilab) that has a some of these options available but not sure how to start. Any suggestion? Also, where could I find documentation on how some of these nodes should be used?
Wouldn’t it be easier to change the Grid Type in more greyish?
So Grey Lines and change the Bubble Head?
Ideally they are all full tone (black) for both the grid lines and bubble heads.
My point is that that can be changed.
Plenty of examples for these nodes in use on the forum, and their use is fairly straight forward.
That said since you want to update these in ALL views, why not just manually modify the object style?
so i am helping out on another disciplines model. They don’t view templates applied, and I cannot apply them because of how things are already shown. doing anything with view templates is out of the question unfortunately.
so i thought about how i can use a script to toggle the halftone checkbox on/off.
I still don’t get why making a greyish Grid Type isn’t an option? Or go by @jacob.small suggestion.
But this might help .
Feed Views and not Templates though.
I didn’t make the image, but got it from another topic .
Exactly what i was looking for. Thank you!