Check Halftone in View Template V/G Overrides RVT Links


Is there any way to control halftone in viewtemplate?
Someone who can point me in right direction…

In 2024 they added link graphic API, but I believe it can only do host view/linked view and specify the linked view target itself. Couldn’t find any halftone controls, and if they were there I’d expect they’re not in before 2024:

Try creating an override graphic settings of the linked view, as halftone is a property of such.

Hi @GavinCrump
I also discovered this when I was reading the Revit API, still feel that there were solutions that were discussed on the forum, but then it seems to have been on views and not on view templates.


Hi @jacob.small

Could I ask for a reference or further explanation.
Does it also work on view templates or is it only on plan views that do not have a view template?

Well, Revit basically considers view templates as views, so both I guess.

Check parameters available for the elements as you go through the process. And best to use the latest version of 2024 (only build you have a chance of accomplishing this with).