I am looking for a way to get the outline from (a) wall(s) ignoring any openings in the wall(s).
I found / looked at some similar topic but couldn’t really find what i was looking for.
Might be possible I missed it.
For now i am looking at two approaches but i have a question for both of them.
It is for getting a building outline but (for now) i don’t wanna use like some of the solutions proposed
in other topic (like Room Boundary Lines with a Room around the building).
Best to use the location line then, as it is one geometry operation to read and offset by 1/2 the walls thickness.
Creating the Room Separation lines and room before rolling back is another option. You could also look into this class of the Revit API to simplify which elements you select or build the solid.
Also thanks @sovitek! Didn’t know about this node.
Also keep this in mind. This one only doesn’t work when Edit Profile is used on a wall.
But great addition none the less!
Likely less complex to pull the location of the walls, offset by 1/2 of the types thickness and -1/2 of the types thickness, and lift between the two curves.
It won’t account for wall joins, but neither will projecting surfaces, which also have difficulties around non-planar top openings when using Transpose. This method (using the perimeter curves as a PolyCurve) should square that away, though it will be a trade off for speed.
Sorry a meant ‘loft’, but autocorrect pushed to lift on my new phone. Loft is now preferred in my dictionary though so hopefully it won’t happen again.
That is the node, but likely your data structure going into it isn’t correct.
From Element.GetLocation you should use a Curve.Offset node with the location curve as the curve input and that value set to @L1. The distance value for now can be [-1,1]; (or larger if you are in mm for project units). From there you should have a list of pairs of of curves. These can loft into a surface at the wall’s location line (not necessarily planar, but you can now move them to a common elevation as needed via the translate method shown before).