Openpyxl module

I tried to import openpyxl module through syntax

import openpyxl
from openpyxl import load_workbook

However python script warns that, “No module named openpyxl”
As you see i have installed openpyxl via cmd, but it still fails
Can someone help me?

with openpyxl lib you need to use the CPython3 engine

I did but it still fail

@thanhdatp297GRTHP you need to install the python modules this way

It looks like you have it installed on a python instance (3.11) that is not being used by Dynamo
You can find the install location OUT = sys.path which will return a few paths


pip is not always the easiest module to install with Dynamo
Try this in a Python node with CPython3

import subprocess
import sysconfig
from pathlib import Path  # python3 library

# Get file / exe locations for running Python install
pypath = Path(sysconfig.get_path("data"))  # root path to python install
pyexe = pypath / "python.exe"
pipexe = pypath / "Scripts/pip.exe"

def getpip():
    """Install pip from the internets"""
    if pipexe.exists():
        return f"Pip already installed at {str(pipexe)}"
    # Fingers crossed the enterprise firewall lets this through
    comm = ["curl", "", "|", pyexe, "-"]
    return, capture_output=True, shell=True)

OUT = getpip()

You may have to reload the Dynamo graph to get access to pip, you may also have to uncomment the import site line in the python<version>._pth file (e.g. python38._pth) located in the python root folder (pypath above)

Then you can install from a list or string of module names with a function something like this

def install(package):
    comm = [pyexe, "-m", "pip", "install"]
    if isinstance(package, str):
        comm += package.split()
    elif isinstance(package, list):
        comm += package
        raise TypeError("Input is not string or list of python modules")

    return, capture_output=True, shell=True)

I found the error, it seems like a conflict when I try to import both of openpyxl and AddReferenceByName(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel) at the same time.
I just remove command line AddReferenceByName(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel) and the code worked.
Thanks for all