Open and sync cloud models in specific docs folder

Every week on Thursday we have a scheduled publish we found that if we open models in audit mode and sync model compact size before the publish the model size is reduced considerably.

Question: is there a method to do this using dynamo. All models are cloud models i need to
1- open models in folder from cloud
2- open in audit mode
3- unload all links
4- sync model compact size


I am not sure … could be you have to swich to forge



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Yep having went down this rabbit hole you’re going to probably need forge here. Dynamo has some limited capabilities in interacting with BIM360 but it needs to know the unique Id’s of files at the very least, which usually needs forge anyway in my experience.

Any suggestions for forge course to learn basics :nerd_face:

AU is probably your best bet. Heaps of presentations this coming one as well as the previous ones that relate to Forge. As far as I know there isn’t a cover-all course out there as you need to know about web and programming as well as just forge itself to take advantage of it overall:

You might also be able to get some pointers from these guys. I know the person in charge and he’s a wizard when it comes to apps, forge etc. Might know some resources to point you towards (keep in mind they are a consultant, so can probably just give tips versus teach you directly):

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Thnx will definitely check them appreciate your support

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Will give it try thanks for support