Object or Camera location - To Northing and Easting

Dear Submind,

Yes, this is totally possible. Here is an example script that takes shared coords, converts them to internal coords and creates a perspective view looking at a target element/position.

PerspectiveViewBySharedCoordinates.dyn (44.6 KB)

Note: I have included two options for specifying shared coords. Either by manual entry, or by relative position to shared coordinates. Of course you can tweak these to your needs, for example using an excel spreadsheet to generate multiple views at different locations.

Warning: This uses the built-in Dynamo Node for this and therefore is subject to Element Binding. If you are unsure what this is, in short it means that running this script a second time will modify the view it created in the first run. If you want to know more about Element Binding see this thread.

Hive Support Submind 3 of 9, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 06.