I have multiple Generic model forms and i was wondering if there is a way to achieve to add every objects bottom and top elevations into new text parameter field?
That should be quite easy to do if you extract the min and max points from the element’s bounding box.
Thanks for reply. I have now “isolated” max and min point by bounding box but with what node i export only z values to its own list?
You could use the “Point.Z” node.
Hi all I have the same problem I’m trying to set the true elevation of a manhole into a read only shared parameter Is it possible to do ? This is what i did : And this is what i would like to do
My source files : dynamo 9.0 : elevation z regard Revit 2016 : Projet Test Dynamo
You stated yourself: “I’m trying to set the true elevation of a manhole into a read only shared parameter”. Now, I am just going to venture a guess that if this parameter is indeed READ ONLY then: no, you cannot set it to anything. Please use a parameter that allows writing to it.
Good luck!