OBJ in Revit 2019 Not Displaying

I am carrying out a project in Revit 2019 for the first time and using my tried and tested script which has worked for various versions of Revit, enabling OBJ to be imported within a Revit modelling environment, however, the script in relation to Revit 2019 does not return any errors and indicates that 2 meshes have been processed, yet in 2019 no OBJ meshes are visible and nothing is hidden.

Any thoughts please? URGENT HELP APPRECIATED.

did you import it into a family or a project?

It is always been successful directly being imported into the project.

Best to provide the content for others to troubleshoot for you. Please provide the dyn, obj, and any other relevant files.

Otherwise it’s like calling your mechanic and saying ‘My car makes a funny noise on the highway, what do I need to do to fix it.’ The answer is ‘bring it into the shop.’