I am new to the world of dynamo.
I apologize beforehand for my very bad English.
I’m trying to
based on several parameters.
(number of items in the list, start number, increment and prefix)
But I can not,
can you help me thanks in advance
Note: The python code keeps the order of the selection
Translated by Google
September 25, 2017, 8:58am
Please show this python script also and see first if existing resources can not help:
September 25, 2017, 9:15am
Did you already see existing resources about how to manage lists? These links can help you to get started for instance:
Please try something and send your attempts or at least a preliminary schema that shows how you aim to organize the data.
I have read the different links, but I still do not understand the subtlety like for example the loopwhile.
I want a loop of the node in green a number of times determined by the output of the list.count
Thank you for your patience
September 25, 2017, 12:02pm
You’re welcome. Here are some good links about LoopWhile :
I am struggling and hoping someone is able to help.
I am trying to make a list where the next number in the list is based off the number before it. Specifically, I have three numbers (1,2,3), and I want the next number in the sequence not to be the previous number, and random between the other two. I also want this to stop at a specific number, and I think I have that part figured out.
My thinking is that I use 'List.LastItem" to get the last number in the list and plug that into ‘SetDiff…
Hi. I’m sure you can accomplish this with loopwhile. But I think there might be a simpler approach.
Not sure exactly what’s your end goal but take a look at this:
@franck.pradal You very rarely would need to resort to using Loop While
Here is an example that might be similar to what you’re trying to do…
Sequence.dyn (10.6 KB)
A great Thanks Vikram_Subbaiah, I finally realized my first program Dynamo.
The end result perfectly meets my expectations
I have not yet figured out how to use LoopWhile, I think the path will be long but I persevere;)
Thank you all for your help
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