Not to " itemize every instance "

If i have a list with a bout 2000 index or element"Pipe" ( that indexes is related to 5 groups of sizes ) as shown in attached photo

my question is if there is a " node " that can give me a list with only that 5 groups

in attached photo : you can find
1- “WRP” is repeated 1000 times
2- “DCWS” is repeated 300 times
3- "RPL " is repeated 300 times
4- "RPG " is repeated 300 times
5- "CD " is repeated 100 times
i need only a list with ( WRP , DCWS , RPL , RPG , CD ) Without any repetition

list unique items might help


Yes , it is working
thanks Mr Marcel

one more question if you can help , if there is videos / source that explains all "List functions "

here you go:



Thanks Marcel , it is really helpful

Thanks Daan , its name is dictionary , and it is actual dictionary for nodes

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Marcel man good

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