Hi All,
As mentioned in the below link
Hi all , I am trying to write a code to place switches near the doors(200 mm away from door and 1200mm height).As an initial step ,I’m getting the location of door and trying to translate point to 200mm after adding the half width of door.Now I am stuck to find a vector along the wall to translate the point along the direction as desired.Any help?
UIunit = Document.GetUnits(doc).GetFormatOptions(UnitType.UT_Length).DisplayUnits
# The inputs to this node will be stored as a …
Now I am able to place a family as desired but the orientation of family need to be controlled.
Now the switch is placed inside the wall as shown below.
I want to place the switch aligned with the inner surface of wall as shown below.
Note :
I am using a non hosted switch family.
I have tried to achieve it with this node ,but it requires a hosted family.
switches Testing.dyn (33.0 KB)
Is there any way to achieve it.?
Here is the revit file
Desired Output is shown below.
February 4, 2022, 10:34am
Hi @j.sunnyT6MVA …probably something here could help…
1 Like
I referred it.But it uses rooms from arch file.As rooms may not be there in all arc files, I am trying it without using rooms.Thanks.
February 4, 2022, 10:39am
OK…but could work with a little bit modifying …good luck
1 Like
February 4, 2022, 10:58am
How will you find which wall surface belong to without rooms or spaces ??
yes.Checking whether raybounce can be applied for a surface.