Node Type that can be "is Input"

Hi, I have a question.

I can add nodes that can be “Is Input” like ‘boolean’, ‘double slider’, ‘filePath’… and so on.

Is there a fixed number of node types that can be “Is Input”?


i think you have to be in costum node mode

Only certain types of nodes can be inputs. However, you can functionally define as many of those nodes as inputs as you like. Too many inputs can be confusing or unnecessary though. Why do you ask? Is there something specific you’re trying to do?

Currently only the following basic node types

  • string
  • number
  • number slider
  • bool
  • (and 2.16(?)'s custom input node, which allows for a selection of the above types)

and UI node types

  • dropdown
  • file selection
  • element selection

can be set as Is Input.

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Oh, thank you. That’s exactly the answer I wanted!