User Input for Dynamo Player - How to Access

So, I am a bit baffled, how do I make a node to be user input to show up in the dynamo player.

From the research I have done, I can right click a node and check a box that states “is input”?

When I right click a node, I do not have this option though. I guessing that this is something easy that I am missing?


Revit 2018, Dynamo 2.0.1

I’m assuming you are using renamed Code Blocks (that’s what they look like).
Code blocks can’t be inputs.
Try using a “Number” Node instead.


Yep, renamed nodes, which are code blocks

Thanks Joe, this did the trick!

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also you can explore Data-Shapes package.

hi, any idea about setting as input a certain element of a list?

the code block says f, but i want to be able to choose X before running the script in Dyn Player.

how can i have X as a Number slider (as Input) and … a block that gets X from the Number slide? (f)

found it… i just wrote in a code block f [ x ] and it automatically generated a block with input for x :slight_smile:

this way x can be a number…and set as Input for Dynamo Player.