Node Getparametervaluebyname

I have a problem with the “element.GetParameterValueByName” node, I cannot get the result even though the parameter does exist.

I’ll let you see my extract which I think is quite explicit and see if you have a solution:

j’ai un soucis avec le noeud “element.GetParameterValueByName”, je n’arrives pas à avoir le résultat malgré que le paramètre est bien existant.

Je vous laisses voir mon extrait qui, je penses est assez explicite et voir si vous avez une solution:

Revit 2023
Dynamo 2.16

Thank you

I can see that the code blocks you used are not the same. One is “EC_TU”, the other is "EC_TU ", so maybe you should check if there are any typos…

Exactly, I did so much testing that I modified my code blocks and forgot to delete the space afterwards.

Thanks for the help.