No Project Base Point?!


Running a script on a colleague’s computer and he gets this. Any idea why?

Hi @Alien try with “Site - Project Base Point”; i guess, i cant test as im not on dyn in the moment, but try give it a shot :wink:

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“Project Base Point” works on other computers.

So the name is correct.

EDIT… ok… that did work.

why? :melting_face:

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alright these are same version ? not sure ig there have been a change…

We have the same Revit + Dyno…
But he may have a different Windows version. :man_shrugging:

hmmm strange so :wink: which version did try on ? then i will try a test…but probably first tomorrow as we are started warm up for football match later :beers:

It worked on Win 10… but had to add "Site - " for Win 11.

ok new to me…but nice to know :wink:

“Site - Project Base Point” worked on Win 10 and Win 11.

“Project Base Point” only worked on Win 10 :melting_face:

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Guessing there is a conflicting .NET version between the two systems.