New User - Best way to use a bridge deck

Hi all, I’m a new user and I’d like to know how best to use the bridge deck (attached). I have all the parameters I need in Dynamo to use this for every type of steel composite bridge deck we will encounter.

Is the best and most efficient way to import into Revit as a conceptual mass? Do I need to link the parameters in Dynamo to Revit? Any other advice?

Thank you,





Hey Anthony we meet again.

The best way would be to work from your beams and set up lines that are at the correct height/fall/distance apart, and then convert the line into a structural framing member, then once at this stage get the elements and apply the correct parameters into the family file to finish off this part.

Applying the bridge deck is difficult because it depends on where it needs to be in the revit categories, but you may need to learn python and revit api depending on how this is to be done.


The abutments could be placed as a wall/column depending on how you have these setup.


A screencast i did showing a basic parametric bridge arch:


Hope these help guide you.

Hi Brendan. I have parametric families for the supports. I decided to remove the beams and just concentrate on the deck slab, as the beams can be modeled using the normal structural framing tools. I’m not sure what information I can get out at the end using mass components for the deck and beams so figured it would be best to model them separately.

In your screencast I’m not sure how you can live update the bridge in the Revit project? I’ve only imported into a mass component family so far…


Sorry for delayed reply but spam bots helped to close the forums for a bit.


In my screencast video; how it automatically updates the bridge in revit is that they are actually a structural framing member that are linked back to the lines in dynamo, so if the lines geometry update then the structural framing updates.


If you automate the framing members via dynamo you could then use these as a guide to help sort the deck geometry.


Also see this post for further info that may help -


Referring to your other post, I created a parametric profile which I intended to use for curved, superelevated decks, but it’s not possible to be able to pick a 3D polyline from CAD as the path. This would be by far the simplest method of creating this type of deck. Is Dynamo the only way around this?

I will eliminate the autocad myth because you can pick a autocad civil 3d line in dynamo but you will need to get into it via python coding while utilizing autocad/autocad civil 3d api commands.


I think it would have a file and a layer naming as the inputs to the python node then you could always add revit api on top and place that family you said above onto this line then apply profile and you are done.


Glad it all helps and seeing is always part of the believing it can do it.

Cheers. There must be a way to sweep along a 3D line without using Dynamo though…

You can create a sweep along a 3d line which I have used this in the past for a some landscape revit work i did about 11-12 months ago. Below is a link to a video that was done on this at the last manchester revit user group meeting.


Sweeps video from manchester revit user group -

Yes I had thought about recreating the path, but this a pain when the required 3D poly already exists in CAD and can be imported in a few seconds.