Hello some explanation
Basic Pythonnet package doesn’t implement this clr method (and others as IronPython, only GetClrType
method as been implemented since 2017 ( Higher compatibility of the clr module with IronPython)
opened 11:59PM - 22 Mar 17 UTC
I think it would be a good idea to put some work into making the `clr` module we… provide as (backwards?) compatible with IronPython as possible.
This is the implementation: https://github.com/IronLanguages/main/blob/master/Languages/IronPython/IronPython/Runtime/ClrModule.cs
These are the public members
- [ ] Field `bool IsNetStandard`
- [ ] Methods `AddReference{,ToFile,ToFileAndPath,ByName,ByPartialName}`
- [ ] Methods `LoadAssembly{FromFileWithPath,FromFile,ByPartialName,ByName}`
- [ ] Methods `Use` (essentially a "generic" `import`, we could map it directly to that)
- [ ] Methods `GetString` (decode .NET byte arrays as Latin1)
- [ ] Methods `GetBytes` (encode a .NET string as a byte array in Latin1)
- [ ] Method `SetCommandDispatcher` (likely not applicable)
- [ ] Methods `ImportExtensions` (already requested by yours truly in #55)
- [ ] COM-related functions `LoadTypeLibrary`, `AddReferenceToTypeLibrary`, `PublishTypeLibDesc`
- [x] Method `GetClrType` (#433)
- [ ] Method `GetPythonType` (takes a .NET `Type` object and returns the corresponding wrapped Python type)
- [ ] Method `GetDynamicType` (obsoleted, same as `GetPythonType`)
- [ ] Types `Reference` and `StrongBox` (#226)
- [ ] Decorator `accepts` (checks the argument types supplied to the decorated function, should be implementable in pure Python)
- [ ] Decorator `returns` (validates the result type of a function, also easy in Python)
- [ ] Method `Self` (always returns `null`?!)
- [ ] Methods `Dir` and `DirClr` (can both be mapped to `dir` in our case, I guess)
- [ ] Method `Convert` (tries to convert the object to the passed type by casting explicitly #611 )
- [ ] Methods `Compile{Modules,SubclassTypes}` (not applicable in our case)
- [ ] Method `GetSubclassedTypes` (returns a tuple of all types that have been subclassed, does not make sense in CPython)
We could add stubs for all of these, raising `NotImplementedError` and port over everything that is simple or makes sense to us.
Anoter example we can’t use clr.Reference for pass a method as parameter
example here Link DWGs in Drafting Views? - #16 by Gui_Talarico
the workaround is using Reflection.
Pythonnet does not convert all python objects to CLR objects dynamically, some objects need a cast to use Net methods
Basic (additions are possible) Pythonnet’s Net implementation is nowhere near as good as Ironpython