Dynamo 3.3 Release

Hello Dynamo Community!

We’re excited to announce our latest release, Dynamo Core 3.3! Check out a quick blurb below:

This release comes with many exciting new updates which includes a revamped TuneUp package with a refreshed UI and improvements, an enhanced Package Manager for better organization and search, and ability to bulk edit Python engine for multiple Python nodes. Plus, a new GraphEngine node for running Dynamo graphs within your graph in a separate process. Quality-of-life improvements include higher resolution node icons, negative index retrieval, and reorganized scaling settings in Dynamo for Revit.

For full details, check out the release notes.

Learn more about the release in our blog: Dynamo Core 3.3 Release - Dynamo BIM

When you’re ready to explore, you can download the release here.

We are actively working on making improvements to TuneUP, Package Manager, GraphEngine and other updates mentioned above. We’d love your input on what doesn’t work and what more you’d love to do. Let us know your feedback under this post! :grinning:


Very excited to try it out, great work!

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Pretty cool! Can’t wait to test out the GraphEngine, looks promising!!
I also really like that we can now use List.GetItemAtIndex with negative integers !


Even if the Pythonnet3 engine isn’t finished yet, I’m delighted to see that it solves some of the bugs in CPython3 (Pythonnet2) engine.

great work!