Hi Zachri,
I tried your script. I added the PipeNetwork node to create the pipes and it worked, however, it only created one pipe regardless of the vertices in the polyline. This is what I noticed about the pipe creation.
- It creates one pipe ignoring the vertices on the polyline, however, the pipes are at elevation.
- If I used Geometry.Explode node, explodes the vertical component not the horizontal component of the polyline and it adds lots of pipes, little segments and it drops the elevations to zero.
I have another script to create the pipes. The script works, it creates multiple pipes from multiple polylines. It adds all the pipes to one network. However, I get an error message in CAD “unable to run macro C:////… ApplyRule" therefore the all the pipes are at zero elevations.
Attached are the cad file and the two dynamo scripts. Is there a way you can look at them and see is what I am doing wrong. The goal is to create multiple pipes from multiple polylines and apply the ruleset so the pipes are at elevation.
Thank you so much for your help.
UtilityProfileExample-modified.dyn (54.9 KB)
02_Create Pipe Networks.dyn (33.4 KB)
Dynamo-PipeNetwork Test.dwg (869.0 KB)