I tried to draw a Pipeline from polylines, and I succeeded horizontally, but the Structures & Pipes not connected and the pipes not getting surface elevations. can someone help me to get this done, please?
Metric.dwg (959.5 KB)
20230516 Create Pipe Networks.dyn (36.6 KB)
I presented on this on the community conversations. You have the video here: Go with the Flow in Dynamo - Community Conversations - YouTube
Scripts and dataset are on the thread here: Dynamo Office Hours
You can take a look at that. I am connecting the structures and pipes and applying elevations to them (albeit in a simplified way for demoing purposes).
Dear MR. David,
Thank you so much for the guidance, unfortunately, I got stuck at Pipe elevations, that code not working, but the Structures working fine. kindly help in this regard.
Metric.dwg (973.0 KB)
Set to invert.dyn (158.4 KB)