Multiple parameters to group by key

Hi guys!

How do we assign more than 1 parameter to a group by key element?

I use getparameterbyvalue, then assign with Lenght but it sort me 250 list… with color range I need to reduce the list so I would like to get lenght + levels to make it sure the list get reduced… but if I assign 2 parameter with a list.create, it doesn’t work anymore!

thanks for your help!

Join the two parameters using a Code Block


It is working perfectly, sadly I lack values to add… damn

I used curtain wall to simulate 2x4 @24" C/C.
But now I want to color it and I am stuck. It could work with Length and Superior offset but in french it is Décalage supérieur, and either in french or english it doesnt work

Base level, or Level or Niveau doesnt reduce the list which is weird

I am now at 51 family and the difference between colors is not really impressive… im discourage man

I think it should work with “Décalage supérieur” as well.

Can you share a screenshot of what you are trying to do? I’m pretty sure someone can help you out to reduce the numbers or suggest an alternative.

I did it with a different way… it is working but color difference is not huge again because i have 51 family of the same element…

It is the smartest way I found … I am happy that I found an alternative by myself the problem is i cant print it for the guys on the field… they wont see differences

First try grouping your groups… that is use a List.GroupByKey node for the level (or other parameter) before the length. Your results will be a List of Lists of Lists of items.

From there using the color pallet you have should be easier if you count at the items level. You can then add another override, say surface pattern, to the groups so they know what that value is as well.

Hi Jacob,

thanks for your reply, I am not sure I understand, so I do another ‘‘group data section’’ where it is only levels. Then this will go into a node list of lists and the current group data will come to this node also, so it will create 1 list out of these list that have specific parameters?

Kind of… I’ll try and find an example and if I can’t find a good one I’ll make one up after my morning meetings.

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You are awesome, thanks my friend! You guys are pure genius and it is so appreciated!