I want to obtain intersection point to calculate an angle, but i recive a lot of errors and i don t know what to do.
Results look ok, , any ideea?
error.dyn (181.5 KB)
March 28, 2024, 8:49pm
The information provided is insufficient for anyone to help, please use this as a guide.
Hello All!
While i agree 110% with Dimitar Venkov on his “How to get help on the dynamo forums” i want to expand futher on his point 4 as it appears to me to be a recurring theme to get adequate image exports from Dynamo.
How to Get Help On The Dynamo Forums - Point 4
Step 1
Run the graph, with any errors you are encountering.
Step 2
Expand the Data Nodes on the whole graph or on a troubled section you are requesting help with using the Pin button. Ensure that if you are doing this everywhe…
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According to this solved post it looks like a symptom of using a measurement system incapable of getting rockets to the moon.
Hi, I am unionizing each beam with its intersected elements. Here is the dynamo script.
The group in pink gets the intersected elements with each beam. I think it has no problems. The python script nodes are like these.
Errors happened on these two highlighted beams:
System.ApplicationException: Unable union two Solids : INCONS_FACE -- inconsistent face-body relationships
at Autodesk.LibG.Solid.by_union(SolidList solids)
at Autodesk.LibG.GeometryFac…
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