Multiple corridor creation using dynamo

Hi @Ernest.Villanueva,

There are a lot of steps involved in this post, so I will make some other posts separately to split this up. I’ll post the links below.

This is not currently possible because there are no public methods exposed in the Civil 3D API for working with data shortcuts. The same answer applies to steps 4 and 5.

Here is an example I put together for you that shows how to create multiple corridors in a single file. I used an Excel file to drive some of the inputs, but that approach is just for illustrative purposes. Creating the corridors and settings various parameters can be done a combination of OOTB nodes and the Civil 3D Toolkit package, but creating the surfaces requires a Python solution at the moment. The code I wrote will (1) add a surface to each corridor, (2) add whichever links you want (I just used the Top links), and (3) add the corridor extents as a boundary. Here is the dataset - hope it helps!

CreateCorridors.dwg (981.0 KB)
CreateCorridors.dyn (89.7 KB)
MultipleCorridors.xlsx (8.8 KB)
