More Dynamo Primer

Check out all the new great stuff in the Dynamo Primer detailed at this this blog post:

Tell us what you think!

The updated primer seems to have covered a lot of ground.

One suggested addition that could add a lot of value to the primer as a reference guide would be to make the Index of Nodes more visual with examples of their operation, rather than just a description.

Also spotted a typo…


Thank you for updating the contents. I must learn more.

There are some broken images in the pages. They are “4.3 Logic”, “6. Desiging with Lists”, “6.1 What’s a List” and “8.1 The Revit Connection”.



Thank you Vikram and Makoto for your feedback. We’ll fix the typo and missing images soon!

Is there a way to download a PDF version of the Primer?

I don’t think the images are matching the descriptions in the “States” section.