I need to make some adjustments to my revisions (as no one told me there are 2 revisions, not 1 :roll: ) and the fastest way I can think of to QC things would be to color the revision clouds by sequence. Can’t be done with a filter natively (that I know of) so it seemed like a good Dynamo learning experience. I found a previous post talking about it and it seems it might not be possible in 2015 to pull the sequence data from the revision cloud (see attached image.) Does anyone know if this is correct or should I look into some of the custom packages?
Unless I’m doing something completely wrong (which is entirely probable) I’m not sure why it isn’t pushing colors back to the view. Screencap: http://screencast.com/t/2CcgB7GM
Were ether of you ever able to solve the problem? I have used <em style=“font-weight: 300;”>OverrideColorInView in other scrips before and it works fine in most views but then in some of them it only changes some of the elements or does nothing. The output of the node passes the elements which were supposed to be changed through it but does not override.
I got it to work at least partially. I just looked at it again and the script I have changes all the clouds to a color rather than by Revision Number but I’d guess it is an easy fix.