Part of our building got mirrored, but not the entire building (so we can’t use the mirror project feature). When we use the mirror tool within Revit, it creates a new instance of the element, so the Mark is different and it also uncircuits all of our power/lighting, etc. Is there a way to mirror elements using dynamo to keep this information? I have tried Geometry.Mirror node, but I’m not having much luck with it. Any help or guidance would be appreciated. Thanks!
yeah …try element.mirror from clockwork, but not sure it wiill work in that case, as i guess it do the same as mirror with ui tool
Dynamo isn’t going to do anything that Revit can’t already do. Mirroring an element in Revit creates a new instance. Dynamo uses the same method and will therefore create a new instance as well. In order to “keep” this information, you’d have to build logic into your graph that can reconnect the new elements with their original systems. If you mirror a full system it will all stay connected but you’d still have to update mark values and things of that nature. Mirroring a project (the whole thing or even part of it) is sledge hammer approach - it’s going break a lot of things and require a lot of rework and fixing. It’s typically not an efficient fix.
yeah @Nick_Boyts totally agree its a sledge hammer approach
thanks @sovitek I don’t see the element.mirror node from clockwork (I have version 2.12.2 installed) and this whole things feels like a sledge hammer approach
yeah should be there have you look under elements in cw