Can someone help me to transfer the attached mesh into a solid in Revit? I tried the following approach, but it did not work out:
Mesh2Solid.rvt (716 KB)
Can someone help me to transfer the attached mesh into a solid in Revit? I tried the following approach, but it did not work out:
Hi @tim.thuernau. You can use DirectShape.ByGeometry or ImportInstance.ByGeometry.
The resulting ‘solid’ can be pushed into a family, direct shape, or other element. What would you want to move it over to?
Thanks for your answers. I want to receive an element, which can be used as baseGeometry for a Point Projection. How can i solve this?
This doesn’t use Revit elements, but Dynamo geometry. As such the solid you have now should work - are you having errors?
I checked the script. There are 2 warnings coming up:
1st: The chosen plate geometry results in an empty list. How can this be fixed?
2nd: The second chosen geometry is a mesh. Can this cause problems at the point projection?
Thanks for your help!
Can’t fix without the model to figure out why - is this readily identifiable in the project you posted above?
Yes - you will need to convert to a solid or a MeshToolkit mesh instead of a basic Dynamo mesh.
Thanks @jacob.small,
Here is the file:
Mesh2Solid-Plate.rvt (4.0 MB)
I want to generate solids from the meshs below to then project points from the plates above on the solids.
This topic talk about it : Convert Mesh to Solid - Autodesk Community
I don’t think there is an efficient solution with Revit API to convert a Mesh to Solid without getting an internal error sometimes. I hope I am wrong because DirectShapes cannot get material and subCategory, and FreeFormElement needs a Solid to work.
However, in Dynamo you can look this method to create a solid by joining mesh surfaces : Conver Mesh to solid in dynamo by "Solid.ByjoinSurface"
Did you find a solution @jacob.small ?
Did some diging last week and finalized it today. Your surfaces don’t form a closed solid in Dynamo or Revit, so some data has been lost or it’s been built without water tightness in mind. What’s the history of the mesh? How have you built it?
The mesh was imported from an ifc. Is there a way to transform it into a closed solid using dynamo or not?
Anything is possible, but the starting point will need to be cleaned up. You could try converting to a mesh toolkit mesh and working with that. It allows advanced mesh operations such as projection as well as closing any cracks.