Mesh.ByGeometry returning null but still creating a civil3d mesh which is missing many triangles

Hello all,

I am trying to send a Dynamo mesh to civil3d using “Mesh.ByGeometry” node. It is working but the resulting mesh is missing many trianlges. The node is returning null instead of “Mesh” object.

Dynamo mesh:

Civil3d mesh:

Dynamo script:

MeshByGeometry.dyn (24.0 KB)

Example file:

I do not know what is the problem here. Other simpler meshes are being created just fine.

Thanks in advance!

I know its an older question. But maybe its not a scripting problem but an AutoCAD Limitation. AutoCAD can create and process polyface mesh surfaces (PFACEMESH, AcDbPolyFaceMesh (the command PFACE) up to the size of 32767 vertices.

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Still thanks for the reply. I also think so because smaller meshes were being created just fine. It doesn’t matter now cause I remember I found a workaround that works.