I did not find information specific to this issue on the forum but am running into a specific Dynamo/Revit problem. Currently running Revit 2017 with SP2 and Dynamo
I have created a Dynamo script that creates spaces in the MEP model from the linked Arch model (Thanks DynamoMEP) and now have Spaces in the MEP Model. I have noticed that the category MEPSpaces has apparently been replaced by Spaces in R17. My queston is when extracting parameter values of the Space I get numbers returned by Dynamo that do not match the numbers reported by the Space Schedule ( for example ). See the attached. The “Specified Lighting Load” in a Space Schedule returns data in Horsepower(!?!) and the Dynamo returns a seemly random number. The numbers returned by Dynamo do not make any sense. I am trying to find the number of Light Fixtures in each space then calculate the va/sqft for the space. Attached is the script with some data returned. Has anyone else seen the issue with different values being returned and has anyone tried finding all the light fixtures in a space? Thanks
I think I understand what you are dealing with. When extracting MEP parameters and trying to do some type of calculations, it can get tricky. While Dynamo is unitless, conversions are still needed because Dynamo pulls the common units from Revit whenever applicable. When dealing with Watts and Volts, a conversion of 10.76391 is needed. Here’s why:
1 W = 1 kg m2 s-3 = 10.76 kg ft2 s-3 (Dynamo output)
1 V = 1 kg m2 s-3 A-1 = 10.76 kg ft2 s-3 A-1 (Dynamo output)
Similar issues arise when dealing with BTUs, etc. Hope this helps!
Thanks. That information certainly helps in figuring out the seemingly random numbers. I appreciate it.
I’ve just published my first package which might come in handy for these kind of cases. I’ve added a GetParameterAsValueString node which will retrieve the values as you see them in your Revit interface. It will return the values as strings like so as compared to the normal GetParameter node:
You can find it by searching for MEPover
Thanks very much. I will try it out and report the results.