Match A SectionView Alignment To A Model Line

The solution to this problem is actually quite interesting.
The Section Cut ID shown in the above post (8169310) is actually 1 numeric value less than the ID value of the associated view. Thanks to the order of Revit creation, this always seems to be the case for any section view! You see where I am going with this?
So you pull the ID value from the view’s section that you want to move and subtract 1, then its possible to get all of the associated section cut elements. The first image above (Oct 16th) also verifies this.
Select Model Element: 2554454
SectionView: 2554455 (the last 5 is barely cut off)
If you can generate the line in dynamo that you want to move the section to, there is no need for manual input. @Ben_Veasey, you need to give this a shot!

Get Section Cuts.dyn (18.2 KB)