Hi, guys,
I find lots of noeuds don’t work anymore especially the noeuds for place views on sheet,
Anyone could have an ideal? Even i solve the problem of the Input string.
Thank you for your helps.
Hi, guys,
I find lots of noeuds don’t work anymore especially the noeuds for place views on sheet,
Anyone could have an ideal? Even i solve the problem of the Input string.
Thank you for your helps.
Hello @fy2768272 and welcome which version are in ?, you could try viewport create from rhythm is just updated and work on 2024…and support both views, schedule, and legends
Thank you for your replay Sovitek.
I am using Revit 2023 and Dynamo version is
I will try Revit 2024, but I am afraid that my campany will not pass all the projets on Revit 2024 at this moment, so I need to find a solution for Revit 2023 for now.
Many thanks again.
@fy2768272 what are the errors? Guessing that you need to install the IronPython 2 package or a similar dependency.
allright, rhythm should work in 2023 as well…ps be sure you have dynamopythonpackage installed…think these nodes you show from steamnodes i guess will work as well if you open the node and correct the warnings
Thank you guys,
I update the noeuds, and get the packages just @sovitek told me :
but it just don’t work.
So I try to look the Python Script, seems there is an error there:
But I know nothing about Python
Be sure you had IronPython 2 package installed as well
But keep in mind the node expect list and should work…but i just like to use viewport create from rhythm as that one accept all kind off view…
Thank you very much.
And i find another thing, my script works better in English version revit than my French version revit.
So funny
Yeah you are probably right i dont know much about France only tour de france hehe
In many cases localization has to be accounted for in the graph. ie: if you were using Dynamo in english and wanted to get the roof category by name, you’d provide it with the string “Roof” and you’d be all set. But if you were in a theoretical Swedish localization you’d have to use the string “Tak”.
Also, if those nodes are from steam nodes, that package (unfortunately) has not been updated in around 5 years