Dynamo 2023 vs 2022

Has anyone else found that lots of node functions and scripts don’t work the same in the new dynamo as they did in 2022?

I was looking to upgrade out the company to the new version of Revit but the number of scripts that work in the old version and are now broken in the new Dynamo makes it seem totally not worth it.

Loads of old package nodes seem to be broken as well as having to replace old nodes for new nodes that have a slightly different name and most frustratingly nodes working in the old version and not working in the new version.

The UI seems great but it seems to break so much functionality that it’s simply not worth it.

Am I the only one who is experiencing this?


Do you have the IronPython Package installed?

Yes I have DynamoironPython2.7 installed but not DSIronPython2.7

Pretty sure DS is the one you need. Main thing I found was element types are gone and element classes are in. For anyone who knows the API its great but for legacy scripts yeah not so great.

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Thanks, I’ll try install DSIronPython.

One issue I’ve solved is by default I downloaded old version of some packages which have been updated in 2023 and install the new version which has fixed a few things.

The biggest OOTB Node that seems to not work is the Element.MoveByVector which has always be temperamental originally but now always throws up an error

Hi @Epyns1 not sure your need DSIronPython i only had dynamo iron python 2.7 package installed and everything seems to work…which version 2023 are you in ? Element.MoveByVector funny we had this up earlier today in other topic and i couldnt make the same error

Yeah I’m in 2023, it’s a strange one, I was trying to move a window up a wall which I know sometimes causes an error along the lines of moving an element into a position it can’t be in (which it wasn’t).

But then just to test further I used the exact same stripped-down nodes to try to move a cube ( generic family no host) around in the model and it wouldn’t budge.

I have now substituted it with set element position which does work but its not my preferred option as i know that node can have issues as well

I can screen shot the error if you need further examples

You’re not the only one experiencing this; the upgrade is certainly worth it though.

The fact of the matter is that the number of Revit, Revit API, Dynamo, Dynamo API, and Dynamo for Revit changes is significant in the last two years. Prior to this set of changes I would argue that the larger Dynamo for Revit user base was quite fortunate in that there were very few changes from Revit 2018 to 2021, and even 2022 wasn’t too bad. Not sure if it there will continue to be big changes in the coming years, but even if it is you’re still coming out ahead if you are smart about how you do things.

The first key is to have a structure for managing your content. I recommend authoring in the oldest version you support, and saving up into the subsequent years. One dyn version for each Revit release should be the goal. This will allow you to make the change once if something need to be different. Ie: use the old if node up to 2022, save up to 2023, get the warning, swap the old if node out in 2023, save the file, save up to 2024 and you don’t have to fix it again as it is already done. Others recommend the opposite direction - oldest to newest - but that’s really personal preference. My choice in old to new is driven by the fact that you likely have a oldest version in mind already, and the graphs you have are more likely to work there then in the newest build.

Once you set up a structure for managing your graph and package libraries you can move onto automating the migration process. My other account has a reply post somewhere where I distributed some tools I built and shared at BiLT last summer which help with stuff like automatically swapping out the if node, changing the graph scale in bulk, adding your tracker or other common nodes, etc… You can use those to do the bulk processing of your library, and build out similar tools for other repeat fixes when they happen. The last tool in that share out is for building playable journals for a graph library, which when run will open a new Revit instance, open the ‘test’ file for the graph, launch Dynamo, open the associated graph, and run the graph. You can then see if the run was completed, confirm the model changes, and do a save as into the ‘in production’ library that the office can just use. If it failed you can fix it before saving, or do a save as to a ‘needs work’ library and come back to it.

I recommend this process is undertaken at each release and update, as well as after any add-in updates or new installations (basically any time you should be testing your Revit environment, which I also recommend doing via journal automation).

This is the post with the zip file containing the bulk update tools - hope it helps.


I am in the process of migrating many apps from 2022 to 2023. It is laborious. No graph has worked without changes. I have to check and test everything and often have to make minor edits to nodes. Sometimes If needs to be changed. archi lab.net needs to be the correct version: “2023.213.1523”.

I shall try the Bulk Graph Edits graphs. Remove the .txt from the end of the filename after downloading Bulk Graph Edits.zip.txt to extract.

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