Hey guys,
In Revit, when we install our Addins we just install them in C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins and then all folders for the Revit versions. Revit understands to read Addins from those folder when Revit starts.
Like this:
How about in Dynamo for Revit and Dynamo for Civil 3D?
Do we have some place in the program files we can add these ViewExtensions we are using to do the data mining so that it works for all the Dynamo versions?
As of now we are copying the DLLs in:
Revit 2021: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2021\AddIns\DynamoForRevit\viewExtensions
Civil3D2020: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2020\C3D\Dynamo\Core\viewExtensions
But I don’t think these locations are always the same in different software versions
Do you guys have suggestions, ideas?
If you have a single consistent path on the local disc with adequate permission for all users, you can refer to view extensions across Dynamo integrations. There are certainly exceptions (ie: stuff which requires loading a Revit DLL won’t ever work in C3D), but I’ve managed the Generative Design add-in this way for a few months now with no issues.
Sounds like The solution, how do i set that common path to all the dynamo versions installed in everyone machines automatically? Is it some registry value?
About the loading revit or civil 3d DLLs that’s already handled, we just dynamically load those depending on where the extension is started from.
Thanks for the help
Settings > manage node and package paths.
I believe there is an xml file for this somewhere, but am away from my keyboard for a bit so I can’t confirm offhand and can’t find the forum thread where it was discussed in my reply history… too many replies I guess.
@Ricardo.Farinha I found also those paths on the DynamoSettings.xml. You can see them under . This file is storedat C:\Users\YOURUSER\AppData\Roaming\Dynamo\Dynamo Revit\2.10.
You could alternatively create an Extension that adds a new path. Have a look at Dynamo API - Set User Packages Location - #19 by Brendan_Cassidy