Loading dynamo in conceptual mass is slow as well as slow search response


( dynamo 0.8.0 and revit 2014 & 2015)

When I open the stand alone dynamo, it opens well and is responding on search.

When I open the dynamo on Revit project, I don’t have any problem.

But, when I try to open it on Revit conceptual mass, dynamo is opening slow (or not responding).

When it’s open, I try to type on search library, it is not responding.

Can I fix it?

I tried to open dynamo 0.6.3 on conceptual mass, it opened well with fast search response.

So I am using 0.6.3 on conceptual mass now. :frowning:

Firm IT resolved the issue. The downloaded EXE file was blocked ( for security reason). When I reinstalled the unblocked EXE, it works fine. :slight_smile:


I found I need to save the conceptual mass family file first before opening Dynamo.

On saved conceptual mass file, I can open the Dynamo quickly.