List.Reorder - List Level not working

Hello forum

Please could I ask for your help, I am struggling to match the correct results using list levels on the List.Reorder OOTB node. Please see screengrab below.

On the top node I am getting the correct result due to isolating a single element and reordering the list of points. When I feed in multiple elements into the node using L2, it is not working. Am I doing something obviously wrong with the list levels?

Thank you so much for any help.


After some playing around, the following fixed it.
Instead of setting the list input to lvl2, set the indices to lvl2. Also set the lacing of the List.Reorder to Longest:

AFAIK how OP set it up should work :thinking:

Hi Rick

Thank you so much for this. I followed your example, and I am still getting incorrect results. Any ideas?

Thank you very much again!

Thank you for this. This is really odd how yours is working correctly and mine is not. This is how I would expect it to work. I will try switching off + on again. Thank you for your time testing this.

Sometimes simply doing this does the trick.

I tried the off/on trick with no luck. However, I did try adding a List.Clean node, and this worked!

I have no idea how/why this worked, and it is annoying that it did in some ways.
Thank you again, and Rick, for your help!


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Out of curiosity.

What would happen if you would set Levels at @3 in your original script?
Somehow you ended up with an extra Level in your list(?).


Like this? It adds an extra level. Thanks