Problem with Levels

Hello Dynamo Specialists,

Because I need the second level for the next part of the script.
The input need to be the second level. How can i Fix the problem?

Thanks in advance!

Hi @rlandkroon,

Can you simplify your list structure with List.Clean ?

The result need to be in the second list (number 3), because of the next part of the script.

By this reason the input 4 inputs are also in the second level in part 3.

You can also use the List.LastItem node to collect only the last list.

Yes good solution.

But the items can be in different indexes of the first level.
By this reason I need give the input the levels; to get the same level and indexes in the output.

In this way, how can I fix the NULL?

I got it!

The NULL was the problem!

Thanks mate!