List - realignment

I’ve got it Nick. One problem I can’t seem to figure out is how to get a list of elements sorted and then back into elements for the values to be placed in those elements. Is there an option to turn a list into an element?

I have all the right data and the list are working correctly. I stripped out all the sort and transpose nodes. Now all I have to do is match the assembly with the right width value.

You’ll see that I have the names of the assemblies and then I sort them to arrange them in the same order as the width list and you see the error I get. If I take the elements directly to the new set.parameter node it works but they are not in the same order.

Thanks in advance!

How do you know that sorting them puts them in the correct order? You don’t seem to be getting the elements from the assemblies.

Your error is because you’re feeding the SetParameter node the element names instead of the actual elements. You want to use List,SortByKey to sort your element list by the element names (keys).

Nick, That did it! The one item missing. I wasn’t sure of how to make the “keys” work. Thanks for that last little bit. I’m going to clean it up a bit and then post it.

Thanks for all your help!!

So here is the final Graph. it works very well for what I need to be done.

Working with Generic Model Families and Assemblies seems to be the issue; not being able to simplify this. I did try it with the Assembly Elements (as you suggested earlier), but had to do a lot of filtering to get the pieces that I needed in this calculation. Ordering the model elements and getting them to jive with their respective assembly was the key.

Great work and help by Nick was certainly a life saver. Learned a lot as well!