List (plan views) with specific text annotation

Hi All,

Can anyone give me some steer how I can list the views on my project (currently around 200+) with a particular text (eg. Painted)

Many thanks,

What have you tried so far?

An easy start would be to get all the text notes in the project using Get All Elements of Category and then filtering them based on if their text contains ‘Painted’. Past that, I don’t see any OOTB nodes or parameters for getting the owner view ID so you might need API for that unless someone made a custom node for it.

If you get to the point where you have all of the text notes, I can send you the python code to get the views from them.

Clockwork has Element.OwnerView to get you the view each text note is placed on, although it’s not hard to get with Python either.

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Hi Kennyb6

I am new to Dynamo and still trying to understand the language and the right workflows…

Please let me know what I am doing wrong even if it is very basic

Many thanks,

Hi Nick,

Can you advise a bit more on the Element.OwnerView based on my current workflow?

Many thanks,

After you get all your text notes you would have to filter them by whether they contain “Painted” or not. The OwnerView node would then tell you which view the filter notes are on.

Thanks Nick,

I found the Element.OwnerView which seems to be exactly what I need.

How do I filter the list of elements?
what is the conditional node? am I right to use a String and List.Filter?

I would get the text from the text note and then use String.Contains to see if it contains “Painted”. You can then use FilterByBoolMask to filter the text notes.

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@Nick_Boyts beat me but here is a way to do it
(i did search for MV instead of Painted……

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Hi EzDoesIt

I can see the workflow logic but mine doesn’t work!
I presume it could be because I used the node ‘ViewFilter.OwnerViews’ instead of ‘Element.OwnerView’.

I couldn’t find the later on the Library list. Can you please share :slight_smile:

Many many thanks,

Hi EzDoeIt

I realised the node was from Clockwork package.

All resolved. Many thanks,

please mark as solution so others can learn from it.