Linked Model Rooms From Linked Model to Active Model

Hello All,
Preparing a dynamo script to copy room elements from linked model (user defined) onto active model. By using the current workflow, rooms are creating in blue colour but the rooms are not created. Also the output is null .

Any leads to get this finalised ?
Thank you.

It seems your last Python script is getting Dynamo solid geometries of your room elements. The blue objects you are seeing in Revit probably are the preview of Dynamo 3D environment. (You can close this by going View-> Background 3D View-> Available Previews).
Here is what you need to do:
1- Be sure that you are collecting/filtering room elements that you want to copy from the linked project
2- If you are using Dynamo 3.x versions, to be able to use the last node, you may need to install DynamoIronPython 2.7 package as Springs package (as far as I remember) not updated for Dynamo 3.0 and further versions.
3- You need to use room elements from the linked project for Element input of the last node.


The final node “Springs.Doc.CopyFromLinkInstance” is expecting (LinkInstance & Element) as input. But instead of Element you have connected solid. Connect the rooms to the Element. Hope it will works. Attached the ref image

Hi seems spring node works with ironpython 3 as well, without nothing, but not cpython3

The key that unlocked was part of point 2 and Point 3. Thank you for your time.
I didn’t check the dynamo console window to pickup IronPython version error once that’s installed all good.
On Point 3, I was trying to filter out any null values within the room list from linked model and then use it as input. Need to test this approach.

I was able to tackle both Room Separators and Rooms per level base which is giving me control. If I use this on a multi level models leads to inconsistent results.