Lacing issue - Cleaning Family Parameters

Hey everyone, for the life of me I cannot seem to fix this lacing issue.

I am trying to read family parameter names and filtering on certain built in ones. This is so I can delete or reset them when I load in downloaded families.

But for some reason the lacing here seems off. Anybody have any idea? The combination of Cross lacing with an Any.True node usually works but not this time

You need to retain the list level structure as well.

Ah good call, I guess I didn’t realize the lacing of the List.FilterByBoolMask

Still, not all “f” 's are filtered out this way.

In the mean time I decided to create an alternative which helped me out.

But also this has an issue with double values. Luckily this is a practice script and my Families don’t contain double parameter names values so it worked for my original script.

The lacing issue is also solved by setting up the List.FilterByBoolMask correctly

Can you explain what it is exactly that you’re trying to accomplish? That would make it easier for us to recommend a solution. I think you just need to keep the original list structure in the List.AnyTrue node to get the correct structure for FilterByBoolMask.

However, in your new image you’re only looking at the length of the sublists and not the number of items.

  1. In the original post I wrote that it is hard to filter on sublist elements. I was trying to delete string-type parameters that weren’t built-in. This is to purge downloaded families that often have too much information.
    This I solved by using an alternate method that I applied before you showed me how to fix the lacing issue within the FilterByBoolMask

  2. Later I expanded and I also tested it with double values (the “f”’ 's). In my method it doesn’t work because of the AllIndicesOf not providing the right sublist structure for it.
    So I went back to check your solution (fixing the FilterByBoolMask). It gave the exact same problem. Even with The List.AnyTrue “Keep List structure” turned on. It just provided a flat list.

  3. I checked it again and it turns out the ‘==’ node also needed the “Keep List structure”

    . This fixed it. I sometimes just can’t seem to fathom the Lacing order of things :smiling_face_with_tear: