Junction box at all point

I need junction box at all the points. I have created the script but it is not taking conduit end point and two intersect point

Retake your screenshot with the Export as Image button. Make sure you have all node preview bubbles pinned and that all the node titles are visible.

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Showing issue…

I have tryed in another way. It is working and J-box placed at each points. But some issue at conecting point.

I need to connect this way.

Hi @VijayS not a solution but just an idea you could play around with, for elbows you could try extend the location curve and shatter or create a curve from that point so you could insert a T and then delete the curve you create…here is a very fast example and very rough, can for sure be made much more elegant, but dont have time now…think something here, play around with it :wink:

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Thanks for quick response!

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and for endpoints you could try a transition, here with transition node from openmep


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