Joining Lines and Curves

Hi guys,
rather simple yet annoying thing, is it not possible to join Lines and Curves ?

The closest thing I found on a post was a Curve.FromLine Node of Rythm, which is not working on my dynamo due to Dynamo version.

Any other solutions ?

A line is a curve type, just with another name since it is completely straight. What does the error say in the Curve.Join node and how do your curve look before joining?

Hi Daan, its giving following error: i checked, there is no overlap.

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i like to work with firstItem and restItem and than i join the curve @hassan.orion

Keep in mind that node is for joining a single curve to a group of curves by forming a polycurve. Each one of those curves would have to be individually able to attach to those two lines.

Does that mean I have to make a python loop to join them ?
the curves/lines are not in order, would take long to extract and gather their respective indices.

It mostly means you have the wrong node if that’s what you’re after. There’s a PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves that takes a list of curves and creates a single polycurve. That sounds more like what you’re after. You just need to combine all your curves into a single list first.