Hey all, to start - thanks in advance for any assist you can provide.
That being said, I am rather new when it comes to utilizing Dynamo, much less referencing Excel data to write to Revit.
I am attempting to have Dynamo reference a matching key set (using Springs.Dictionary) to issue a data match for instances of Pipes sharing a similar “ID” (text-based, project parameter) to that of the Excel spreadsheet, and would like to have Dynamo write the other column data of the spreadsheet to each pipe instance based on this match (Department/Supervisor/Cost Code).
The issue specifically is that it is correctly matching the cell-data to the first instances (not sure how Revit/Dynamo is dictating this) of the matching identifiers in the Revit model, then the script seems to ignore the other matches of “ID”.
I feel like that this is probably an easy solution, but I have been racking my brain trying to figure it out.
I have attached my Dynamo Example, the Excel template, and the produced Revit Schedule (as PNG).
Again, thanks for any help you guys can provide while I get on with my Dynamo education.