Issue with Usage of "Element.Inserts" Node (From Clockwork Package)

Hi, I’m new to dynamo and I’ve been having problems with the usage of the element.inserts node from the clockwork package.

My goal is to find out the number of doors present in certain types of walls (walls of type PC; refer to figure below) from my linked revit model.

Connecting the input of element.inserts with the output from the ‘List.FilterbyString’ node did not return any door types.

However, connecting the said input with the output of the ‘Element.GetFromLinkedFile’ node returned the door types, albeit including doors that are embedded not only in the PC walls but other walls too. Is modifying the element.inserts custom node the only way to retrieve the door types from the ‘List.FilterbyString’ node (if so, how?)? Are there any workarounds?

Thank you!!